
Showing posts from December, 2020
Image Thanks to Sheltering-in-Place, Animal Shelters are Empty     2020 has been a crazy year, for all of us, hasn't it? Some shelters across the nation are experiencing a wonderful problem. They don't have any adoptable pets! Since we are all stuck at home, and sheltering-in-place, lots of people have been adopting pets to keep them company. There is one concern of mine that I would like to address regarding this boom in pet adoption, though.     For starters, I am worried that the people who have impulsively adopted a dog or car during this pandemic will eventually get bored. I am nervous about this, because right now we are all quarantining at home, and we have all the time on our hands. But what happens when we all go back to work? What happens to the dogs and cats that get left at home without us all day? I am concerned that once we all start to return to “normal” that these dogs and cats are going to be brought back t

Celestino's Story: His Battle

Celestino was one of the most amazing house rabbits I have ever had. When I first got him, he was very nervous, and scared of people, but after years of rehabilitation, he had so much trust in humans. He was the sweetest boy, loved being picked up, loved being cuddled, and would actually get upset if I didn’t cuddle him when he wanted it. He was always happy to see me, when I would walk into his room, he would jump in circles waiting for me to pet him. He did this every single day, which is how I knew he was sick, when one day he didn’t jump around when I walked in. He stayed in his corner, curled up as tight as he could be. This told me that he was in pain, and needed to see a vet, immediately. I called Avian and Exotic Animal Care, and they got him an appointment within a few hours. When we got there, they brought him right in. This was right during the heart of COVID-19, so I was not permitted to go into the vet with him. Needless to say, I was a nervous wreck sitting in my car. The

Welcome to My Pet Refuge Blog!

 Thanks for visiting our blog! We are looking forward to sharing our work with you and engaging with people who would like to help us in our mission to save as many rescue animals as possible!